
There are various support options available for different types of situations. We have put together information from various charities and support. We will be adding more information every few weeks. If you would like support with contacting any of these services please speak with one of the wellbeing team.

Dealing with Cancer

Macmillan Cancer Support is one of the largest British charities and provides specialist health care, information and financial support to people affected by cancer. It also looks at the social, emotional and practical impact cancer can have, and campaigns for better cancer care.

Macmillan Cancer Information Service

Located at the Queen’s Centre provides a drop-in service for anyone affected by cancer, whether a patient, relative, friend or anyone else. If you are in the Hull area you can contact

Tania Hicks on 01482 461154 or 01482 875875

0808 808 00 00

For more information on the services available please visit macmillan or make a free call today

7 days a week, 8am - 8pm